Friday, September 20, 2013

That's Not A Cheeseburger... It's Oatmeal!

oat·meal – (ˈōtˌmēl) 
n. A meal or porridge made from ground oats
adj.  The shade most people use to describe my bare skin

How the #*@$ Does That Happen!?
Yeah, about that...  That one's probably been the question most asked, followed closely, of course, by "What's your problem?" and "What's wrong with you?"  Of those queries, I figured "How the #*@$ does that happen!?" would be the easiest and least emotionally damaging to try to answer.  

To be clear: oatmeal was around and available, it just never looked appealing to me... which is to say it looked like something Mama Bird had regurgitated into a bowl... and added berries.  So as I stared at that steaming, somehow odorless pile, I couldn't help but wonder what it must've looked like beforehand.

Let’s kick this off with two questions: 
1. Is there a more boring topic to start a blog with than oatmeal?
2. Why are you still reading?
The answer to both of those probing questions:  I don’t know.  But if you are still here then join me, won’t you, as I dance with the pale porridge, mix it up with the mushy meal and desperately try to make this dining experience more exciting!

“My Teeth And Ambition Are Bared…”
Uncle Scar had a point: Be prepared Preparation is key in almost every breakfast related situation so I knew this was no time to go at this all slapdash and slipshod.  Not only since that’s the first time I’ve ever used those two words, but also because if I was gonna’ do this, I was gonna' do this right.  With food on the brain and none in my belly, I got myself set up and tuned into my favorite kitchen cable-drama, “BReaking FAst”.

“That’s Not Ben Franklin?”
For my first time, I decided to stick to something a little familiar and what could be better than that friendly faced farmer who’s been staring and smiling at children in grocery stores and during school snack times for years?  No, not "Creepy Jerry’s Sack of Oats".  I'm talking about the next best thing: Quaker Oats!  With more than 130 years of experience, I figured they got the hang of this.  Plus, the man in Quaker garb on the box has always demanded a certain amount of credibility... maybe even more since his 2012 makeover which made him about five pounds thinner and made his skin more radiant from daily oatmeal facials.  Fun Fact*: According to Quaker Oats, that fella’s name is Larry.  They apparently wanted a name as exciting as the product itself.
*fun not guaranteed

“With great Oatmeal, comes great responsibility”
People kept telling me “Oatmeal is a superfood, you red-faced idiot,” but so far it just seemed super boring.  And calling me names seemed a bit unnecessary.  
Let's see:
·         Boil some water with a pinch of salt
·         Add the oats
·         Occasionally stir for one minute
That's it?

Easy to make?  Definitely.  But c'mon!  Where’s the excitement?  Where’s the thrill?  Where’s that Oatmeal pizzazz I had heard so much about from no one?  Sure, it helps to lower cholesterol and may reduce the risk of heart disease and more, but it became clear I was going to have to take matters into my own hands.  So with a little imagination and a couple of sharpies…
 Boom.  Problem Solved… 
… and immediately followed by a whole new set of problems.

“Quakin’ In My Boots”
After about a minute, I was surprised to see that my breakfast was less like an edible substance and more like something a tree pooped out.  Ya know, it’s a humbling moment to realize that you are actually going to be able to say the phrase “Oatmeal Attempt #2”, but I wanted to take a more optimistic look at the situation. So… much like how Thomas Edison didn’t fail 2,000 times but instead learned 2,000 ways NOT to make a light bulb, I learned one way NOT to make oatmeal… the stupid way that doesn’t work.

Nevertheless, I fixed my mistake and the outcome was a lot less plaster-y.  With this success, I wanted to get a taste of just the basic dish before adding any sugar, cinnamon, or syrup, so I decided just to add the strawberries first… which, to my surprise, also looked like Spider-Man...

Long Story Short:
Initial reaction:  Tastes like hot.  And not much else… At first I was worried I had screwed up again, but, no, that's just the way oatmeal doesn't taste.  But fear not!  As you know, I came prepared.  First, I added some brown sugar, which was okay.  Then I tried some with some syrup, which was alright.  Then I realized I was kind of starting to sound like Goldilocks, so out of fear of a bear attack, I tried some cinnamon which was juuuuuuuuuust right.

Once I finished, I had to admit I didn’t get the whole deal about oatmeal .  However, after doing some work on my laptop, cleaning the house, and exercising, I found myself still full from that one bowl of oatmeal even hours after having eaten it.  Hmm... I don’t think that’s ever happened.  In fact, I’m the type of person who is seemingly hungrier immediately after eating.  At least, I hope that’s a type of person and not just a tapeworm.  

But what's the best way to fully describe it?  Not the most exciting flavor, but enjoyable... I've got it!

What Movie Would Pair Well With Oatmeal?
My recommendation:  The Civil War: A Documentary by Ken Burns Both aren't too flashy and aren't too colorful, but the complex nature is simple to digest and interesting in its own way.  Both are good for you and your health and though some people might say it is boring, others will rave about how much they love it.  Also, you will need a superfood to keep you going as you power through the more than 10 hours of historical discussion and research. 

Thanks for checking out this week’s installment of That’s Not A Cheeseburger!  Check out Quaker’s website for more info on this week’s dish and check out Netflix to stream this week’s “Pop Culture Pairing”!